Sunday, February 26, 2012

Soul Surfer Reaction 10- Movie Comparisons

    I have watched the movie and read the book, Soul Surfer. I think the book was better than the movie. The book you learned much more about Hamilton and the type of person she is. While in the movie I believe they focused more on the attack then on the person she was and became. After reading the book then watching the movie I was actually disappointed in the movie. Once you read the book you learn how strong her and her families faith in God is and what an incredible person she is. While the movie does not come close to portraying this. In the movie they focus more on the surfing and how hard it was they make it seem that in a point in time she gave up and let the attack over come her faith. This however did not happen, she never dwelled on her attack as long as they portrayed it to be  and she certainly never gave up. She was also never really that angry because she knew God had done this to her for a reason. I did enjoy the movie, but I also think that they should have done a better job of showing what an inspiration Hamilton truly is. If you watched the movie and enjoyed it i strongly recommend that you read the book. It has so many great lessons in it to be a better person. She truly is an amazing person and a great role model. Before reading I did no know much about her but now I know more about her and she is certainly someone that I look up to highly in my life. She has taught me to live my life in a better way and that God has a plan for everything that happens and he loves you. I am very glad I got the chance to read the book and learn about the incredible person, Bethany Hamilton.
This is an article about the movie Soul Surfer. This movie should truly be given a chance along with the book.They are both great.

Soul Surfer Reaction 9

  Getting attacked by a shark was Hamilton's own personal tornado that hit hard on her dreams to becoming a professional surfer. She had to do a lot of clean up by working even harder to achieve those goals she had set prior. Even though this was hard to face, she looked at the big picture, God loves her and he has a plan for her that can't be taken away. Hamilton's advice is to put your faith in something that can't disappear like her faith in God that will never leave.
    Hamilton is blessed with many things in her life such as her family and friends that like her for who she is. She is most grateful for the relationship she has in christ that shows keeps her strong and shows her the good that comes out of a bad situation. She believes that this was Gods plan all along. This is the reason she has not let the attack get to her and why she can tell her story in interviews. Even though we all get angry at God and wonder why this is happening. Hamilton's family put their trust in God and knew he would make a good come out of a bad situation.
        "For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD,'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future," Hamilton's friend, Sarah, said this not only for her family but for everyone feeling defeated in life. Sarah also believed that God had picked Hamilton to be the voice for him. He has chosen her to tell people; that he is real, he loves them, and they can trust and know him. Hamilton believes that it was worth losing an arm if she can help people find their hope and faith in God. She believes she was picked because she says what she feels and speaks from her heart. She could have died or been hurt a lot worse by the shark and for that she is truly thankful.
     Since Hamilton has wrote the book, Soul Surfer, a lot has happened. She has gone skydiving, her brother got married, and her family started the Friends of Bethany Foundation to help shark attack survivors and amputees. She has traveled around the world for book signings, Mission trips, and surf competitions. Overall she just wants to inspire others to live their life to the fullest. Hamilton has also been surfing, traveling from one part of the globe to another. She is very competitive, but she thinks knowing what you want and going for it is something everyone should strive for. She believes she has grown so much from everything thats happening. Part of that growing up is finding your faith in God, faith in yourself, faith that everyone has a gift, and a purpose. When the idea of a big motion picture of her life, with big stars playing the roles of her friends and family she was shell shocked. If this is what God had planned to send his message around the world then she was all for it. This is how she feels when any new opportunity comes along, it scares her if its something she has never done, and she is not sure she will be a success. She believes its like surfing the more you try, the more you refuse to give up,  the better you get at riding the waves or anything in life that comes your way.
    These chapters really inspired me. Reading this book Hamilton's story has become an inspiration to me, and she has become a true role model to me. The way she looks at life is incredible. She is the type of Christian that many others and myself strive to be. She took a horrible situation and made it into something good. She barley ever looked at it in a negative way, but positive that she can show people her faith in God and send messages through him. I can relate to this story through the way my family deals with negative situations. The situation was nothing like Hamilton's but it was one that hurt my brother and his dreams. My brother has a love for wrestling that she has for surfing. He works so hard to strive towards his goals.He was predicted to be in the finals for the state tournament which was his goal. When he made it there it did not go as planned and ended up not placing. This was hard on him as well as my family as we saw his dream was ruined. We all soon realized that this was Gods plan for him. We also came to realize that everything happens for a reason and God had a reason for this to happen.

This is a picture of Bethany Hamilton traveling around the world doing interviews for thats the path that God has led her on.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Soul Surfer Reaction 8

  Why is this happening to me? These are the things Hamilton thought during her days of recovering from the attack. Her first thoughts was that her dream of being a professional surfer was dead all together. Hamilton thought she would have to take up her old sport, soccer, or become a surfing photographer so she can still enjoy the sport she loved. Most people also believed her career as a surfer was over.Ever one except her brother, Timmy , who knew she could not stay out of the water. After a couple of hours, Hamilton realized she could not go without surfing. She knew surfing with one arm would not be easy but she also believed she would find a way to try. Everyone was supporting and thought with a lot of work she could surf again. Excited about getting back in the waves. She set a date for Thanksgiving for her first day back in the waves. Alana and her friends and family where all their to support her entering the waves again.Noah even got her first wave back on film.  Hamilton did not even fear getting back into the water. She was to excited to surf again to think of anything else. It took Hamilton many tries to be able to stand up on the board as she surfed. When she finally stood up and rode the wave the joy she felt was indescribable. Then on she could not stay out of the water. She had to work hard, even harder than she had to before to get back to where she was before the attack. Many people and coaches contributed to help Hamilton get back on the rode to reach her goal.
    The attack not only affected Hamilton, but it also affected many of the people around her. Alana, was severely affected by the attack. She had nightmares for many night and is till not the same surfing, she still won't surf tunnels. Hamilton and Alana have been friends forever, they are more like sisters, when something bad happens to one it hurts the other deeply. Also Alana's dad, Holt, constantly thinks of what he could have done differently. He also thinks of what could have happened if things didn't work the way they did. He analyzes all the outcomes that could have happened.They have all been to counseling to help them get through the attack. Hamilton doesn't realize that she only has one arm most of the time, which is a major step to heeling. Even though sometimes she sees pictures of herself with two arms and gets a pinch of sadness, but she has gotten over it and moved to bigger and better.
   Hamilton has changed because of the attack. She barley ever wears shoes since its hard to tie and she is always in the water. She also has a prosthetic arm but doesn't wear it because it unnatural and restricts her from many things. She now also has an agent, Roy, that tries to get her story out. She wants to do the interviews but always tries to get out of them because they interfere with her love of surfing. Rip Curl, her sponsor, was really supportive after the attack and just wanted her to be herself. If Hamilton never wins another contest or decides to stop competing she will always be known and remembered throughout the sport by "that surfer girl who got her arm bitten off by a shark." This, however, she is very grateful for because she will forever be tied to surfing.
   Roy informed Hamilton that something big would be coming. A movie is something she never expected. She looks forward to the surfing scenes, and she has faith it will be a true movie and convey her faith the right way. She has meet celebrities, walked the red carpet at the ESPY and the Teen Choice Awards, she also was in a Volvo commercial. She is also receiving an award for the Women's Sports Federation, but she hopes to win more contest to prove she deserves this award. Her biggest excitement is working with the World Vision Foundation, which is a Christian foundation that helps poor children. She can use her voice to help children living in poverty with disabilities get care and support they need. This foundation lets her use her surfing to raise awareness and funds to help these kids.
    The book keeps improving as I read. I enjoy it more and more each time. It has a great story line and also teaches you many lessons. This books teaches you lessons to be a better person and Christian. It also makes you realize how lucky you are for everything you have. I can relate to this section of the book because i to have gotten hurt and had to come back to playing. When i played softball and broke my arm I had to take time off to heal. When I came back, I was nervous that i wouldn't be where i was last time I played or I wouldn't be able to. I had to work hard to get back to where I was like her but I was able to get back to that spot. This is not as extreme as Hamilton's injury, but i can relate to the feeling of coming back to strive toward your dream.

 This is a video of Hamilton's first contest back into the water after the attack.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Soul Surfer Reaction 7

     Aloha means much more than hello and goodbye; it means a mutual regard and affection of one person for another without any expectation of something in return. This phrase also means love. Hamilton, along with her family, has experienced the true meaning of aloha first hand. Mike Wellman, who has made thousands of surfboards, made one with aloha for a fundraiser in her name. Also after the accident, many people stopped by the Hamilton's house to see if they needed help in anyway and made them dinner. A fundraiser in their honor raised $75,000 to help with expenses. Jill Smith organized the event, while Rip Curl dove right in to help. There was a silent auction, and many famous people came to help. Hamiltion's friends were all there wearing t-shirts to represent her. She wanted to attend,but since it was to soon after the attack, she couldn't. However she was so thankful for what everyone had done. Even though it was a little embarrassing to be a charity case, she was grateful and would do the same thing for someone else if the opportunity arose.
   The aloha kindness did not only limit itself to just Hawaii. All over the world, people read magazines or news reports about Hamilton and were inspired to write letters or send checks and money donations to help the family. When the aloha was spread from the people of Kauai it was normal for we would have done it to anyone we knew as well, but to see all of these people from all over was shocking. Hamilton believed that this is happening because many people are generally caring; they heard about a girl  with her arm bitten off and wanted to help.. An organization, Save our Seas, heard she wanted to take surf photos, so they offered to train her in video and still photography. She might take them up on their offer once her like settles down. She is taking things one day at a time.  She is also making a scrapbook of all the articles she is in to look back on later.
     Hamilton soon realized that her life would never be the same after the attack. She had to exit the back door to get away from interviewers waiting to shove microphones in her face. Her mom did not like this intrusion into their lives. In the end, the decision to tell the story of the attack was up to Hamilton. She did not really enjoy being in the spotlight, but if she could express how her faith in god has helped her thought it,she was willing. She did not want to make a soap opera of the attack. instead she wanted to tell God's story throughout the attack.  Her first TV show was 20/20, and she had many interviews after, but they all seemed to ask the same questions which got pretty boring. One interview that stuck out for her was one with Joey Buran. He is a surfer and pastor in California ,and he really understood her. Most of the people don't know what to say because they can't really relate to her.
    Hamilton has traveled places and been on many TV shows. She thinks it's very intimidating being on the set, but she also thinks its very interesting. She was not very impressed as she traveled to New York. Seeing the homeless people bothered her, as she wanted to help them all and knew she couldn't live there.  The disadvantage of being on all these interviews is it takes up a lot of her time and cuts into her time of surfing. She constantly reminds he self that God has put her in this position to help people all over.There is a greater good here, so if she has to sacrifice a few interviews ,she is okay with that.
   I have really enjoyed the reading. Hamilton is such an inspiration to me. She doesn't think of herself but instead thinks of everyone else. Even though she does not want to do these interviews, she does them because she knows God has put her in this position to help people, and she is so grateful to help others.She is so positive about everything and just lets God lead her in the right direction and help so many others. She scarifies for people she doesn't even know. I can relate to these chapters because our community like hers comes together to help someone in need. When my family's friend' new baby had a brain problem and needed to fly to Arizona for surgery,our  whole community came together and helped this family. We had a fundraiser like Hamilton's community to raise money to help pay this family's bills. I look forward to continue my reading of this story and become more inspired by Hamilton's life and beliefs.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Soul Surfer Reaction 6

  Bethany Hamilton is constantly asked why she surfs. She replies by saying it is simply impossible for her to explain the way she feels while she is surfing. The ability go having to surf depends on the skill to turn, out back, speed through fast breaking sections, and slow down enough for the lip of wave to throw completely over the surfer. Nature, however, gas a huge affect on surfing. Nature at times is on the side of the surfer and at others it is not. When nature is on the side of the surfer and their is a great surf, they just want to relive it and stay in that moment forever. Surfing is a force that moves your body and soul, which is why Bethany surfs.
   Most of the time surfers don't even think about sharks.As a precaution they often bing a partner to surf with them. Life is full of what ifs. What if you where bitten by a shark? Bethany explains you can't let that  hold you back. If you so your not living your simply going through the motions. Most surfers don't ever see a shark, but they are still there.
    Bethany says her faith in christ mean everything to her. God is more impotent to her than surfing. She puts her faith in God, at an early age of five. This faith has helped her get through the attack. It's a burden off of her shoulders to know that someone up there has a master plan for her. Even though she doesn't have a clue to why this awful thing is happening in her life. Bethany's family are all Christians and are not ashamed of their faith. They have many things around their house to prove this strong faith they have.
   Father Damien, also known as Joseph Damien, is one person in history that Bethany most admires. He is one of Hawaii's heroes. He went on a missionary to Hawaii to help people with a widespread disease, Leprosy. He himself got Leprosy and died. He sacrificed his life to help those who were suffering.
  Bethany also wants to be a missionary. A good missionary is someone who spreads the word of God through personal examples. She spreads her word and tells he beliefs in God hoping it could influence someone to pick up a Bible. Bethany helps by supporting people like her. She send money to others, and also speaks her story to show people that anything is possible and that things will get better. Also, that there is no such thing as a handicap- it's only in your head. Telling her story has influenced many others to not give up, to keep fighting, things will get better.
   After every chapter, I enjoy the book more and more. It has taught me a lot not only about Bethany's attack but also about over coming bad times and having faith in God. It has also showed me that God has a plan and he will help you through every situation. This book is also such an inspiration. It has inspired me and showed me that I can truly do anything. I can relate to these two chapters. I can relate because I am also from a christian family that also believes that everything happens for a reason and God has a plan for everyone. I am excited to continue to read and learn more about Bethany Hamiltion's inspirational life.

The link below gives more information on Bethany Hamilton's role model Joseph Damien. The links shares his background information and about his missionaries.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Soul Surfer Reaction 5

Bethany only remembered a few things on her way to the hospital the day of the attack. The thing she remembered most is her quenching thirst for water. Timmy was the one who finally gave her the request of water she was begging for. Her dad was worried that she should go to a more advanced hospital on Oahu, but after a seeing the great care Wilcox Hospital was giving her, they realized she was in great hands.
    Bethany spent miserable six days in a hospital room.  Not only was the pain was bad, but she also never got to sleep. The nurses were always coming in to check the machines and see how everything was going. Her dad was also deprived of sleep. Her mom and dad never left her side except when dealing with reporters asking for the story of the attack. While in the hospital, Bethany told her dad that she wanted to be the best surfing photographer. This was her way of telling  her dad that it would be unlikely that she would ever surf again.
   Bethany soon changed her mind about surfing. Many people came to visit, bearing flowers and balloons. They all treated her differently because of her appearance. She quickly set them straight by telling then she was the same person she always was. She tried to stay positive but sometimes couldn't help to wonder why this was happening to her. On Sunday, her church came to the hospital, and they all prayed together. Their smiles and laughter  brightened Bethany's mood.
   The doctor brought good news when he stated that the list of what Bethany will not be able to do after the surgery is short, while the stuff she will be able to do is long. He attributed to her strong tolerance of pain. She had to have a second surgery and a blood transfusion for she wasn't replacing her own blood as well as she should. Physical Therapist came to visit Bethany to help her move on and deal with the changes her accident had caused. The room began to fill with flowers and balloons, they made garden of Eden and she gave some to one of Timmy's classmates who was also at the hospital. Bethany was ready to leave the hospital and was going crazy being stuck there.
  She was finally able to go home on Wednesday. She found out that there was so many reporters at her house that she had to stay at a friend's house in Anahola Beach. When a nurse came to change the wrapping on her arm, it really surprised everyone. This was the first time they saw the arm since the accident. It was hard for the whole family to cope with. Timmy had a hard time adjusting and missed a lot of his senior year to be around to help and support her. Her parents couldn't work because they had to provide for her, and this put a financial burden on the family.
   Bethany and her family meet with a blind psychologist, Paul Swigart. He helped them deal with everything that was happening meeting with Paul made Bethany realize that there were many people with disabilities. There was a cure for his blindness, but he can't afford it. Bethany realized he could get his sight back but she could never get her arm back. She decided to offer him some of the money she would receive at the benefit that was being planned for her. He declined the offer stating that he can actually do more not having his sight than he did with his sight, Bethany could not understand this. Now Bethany realizes that she too can do more with one arm than she did with two.
     This book is very good. It really makes you realize what others have to go through and it makes you realize how lucky you are. It also shows you how great Bethany dealt with the situation she was in. I can relate to this because I to have felt like  nothing was going my way. Once I looked at my life and the lives of other people around me, I realized how thankful I am for what I have and that many people actually do have it worse. I am very excited to keep reading the rest of the novel.

This is a picture of Bethany at the hospital after the attack. She tries to remain positive, but she wishes she is home.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Soul Surfer Reaction 4

   The car ride to the hospital seemed like forever to Bethany Hamilton. When Bethany's mom got the news, she thought it was another practical joke. When she realized it was not, she imagined the worst,  rushed to the hospital, but she remained strong for her family. Bethany's brother Noah also rushed to the hospital but not before calling Sarah Hill, the youth leader and a good family friend. Noah needed Sarah to lean on and she reminded him that the Lord has plans to prosper you and to not harm you. Bethany did believe that maybe this was His plan for her.
   They later found out that Bethany did lose her arm in the attack. As they were rushing to the hospital,they called all their christian friends to start a chain of prayers. However, they did not tell Bethany's mom. Bethany's dad was in the hospital preparing for his own surgery when he heard a person was being rushed to the hospital due to a shark attack. Dr. Rovinsky told her dad it was in fact Bethany who had been attacked. He also told him that they would have to hold off on surgery and use this room for her.  When Holt finally called her mom to tell her Bethany was attacked by a shark, she broke down crying and then prayed and told God that she was in His hands. She was devastated that all her hard work could be gone in that instant.
     Bethany was so glad that her whole family was near at this time. She was in surgery and really unsure of what was going on around her. Bethany's dad was unable to move and could not stand not knowing what was wrong with Bethany and the state she was in. All her family and friends were grabbing every nurse and doctor trying to get word of what has happened to Bethany. Timmy finally reached her dad and filled him in that she is still alive. As soon as he was able to walk, he went with no help to find her.
      Dr. Pierce was the doctor who would perform what they call, traumatic amputation. When Dr. Pierce got the call of the shark attack in the  morning, being a surfer and a part of the church, he had a feeling Bethany was the victim of the attack. This would be a very  personal and professional operation for him. As she was wheeled into the hospital, she was rushed  into the operating room before she could see anyone. She was hooked up to many machines,most of which she didn't know what they were. Dr. Rovinksy would perform the first surgery. He said that she had lost her arm and now its a matter of saving her life. They would save as much of the arm as possible. Dr. Pierce would perform the second surgery to close the wound.
   They told Bethany that she was lucky that she didn't lose more than what she did. Her life was saved. Everything was going in Bethany's direction. The doctors were optimistic about her ability to function with only one arm. Bethany was exhausted though and just wanted to go to sleep. Everyone was optimistic that things would turn out well for her and she actually was lucky.
      I really enjoy this book, but it is becoming really sad. Someone who works so hard and has so much going for them can loose it all in an instant. But it really shows you how calm everyone is. They know everything will turn out good because she is in God's hand. They also know that this was planned, and God did this for a reason. It is truly amazing how well this is all being taken and how their faith in God has really helped them cope with all of this. This I can't relate to because nothing this bad has happened to me, and for that I am thankful. I can however relate to their beliefs. My family also believes that everything happens for a reason, and in the end God will help you and be there for you.  God will always lead you to the right path in life.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Soul Surfer Reaction 3

  Bethany Hamilton did not even scream, she was not terrified, she thinks maybe she was in shock or on autopilot. However, she is glad this is the state she was in during the shark attack. If she did see the shark she would not have been as calm and would probably have nightmares of the attack. They had only been in the water for an hour when the tragedy had came upon them.
    Alana, Alana's brother Byron and her dad Holt were all with Bethany the day of the attack. When the shark came Bethany handled it in control and calm she just shouted that she was attack by a shark. She even said that she had no pain when her arm was taken by the shark. She only remembered thinking her number one priority was to get to the shore, she did not even bother to think the shark could still be around her. Bethany saw she lost her arm almost up to her shoulder. No matter what everyone was thinking they kept calm through the whole experience, for Bethany's benefit.
    Bethany's arm was bleeding badly the wound like hers usually cause the arteries to roll back. Instead of freaking out she just prayed to god to help her and guide her back to the beach. Holt tied the rash guard around her stub to act as a tourniquet. Holt brought Bethany into the shore, while Byron raced to the shore to call the ambulance right away. Holt took care of her by making her answer questions to be sure she did not pass out. Bethany began to have a fear that she could die but she tried to push it aside and remind herself that she is in gods hands. She saw the fear in Alana's eyes as they rushed to the beach to get a lifeguard in a hurry.
     Bethany made it to the beach as she kept fading in and out of consciousness, struggling to make out what was going on. Jeff Waba, a surfer, gave Holt his leash from his surf board to use instead of the rash guard as a tourniquet. Everyone helped to make her comfortable and calm by wrapping her in towels. Her stub started to hurt and she kept asking for her mom to be on her side. She was also became thirsty and asked Alana for water but a man near by, Paul Wheeler, told her that she will have to have surgery and needs and empty stomach. Paul announced her was a paramedic and everyone became relieved he did inform everyone that she lost a lot of blood. Holt could not wait any longer and took Bethany in his car the last thing she made out was the sound of sirens and being loaded onto a cop car. What was remembered most was what the Kauai paramedic words, "God will never leave you or forsake you."When Bethany heard this she knew he was right.
   I can't relate to this directly, but any medical situation that is very harmful to a person can relate to this.My brother broke his hand doing what he loves which is wrestling. It was not near as bad as what happened to Bethany but he to had to have surgery. This also affected his wrestling dream and prevented him from wrestling in the one thing he worked hard for all year the state tournament. I really enjoy the book so far. I think that the chapter i read today was very sad, that something like that could happen to someone and risk their life and their dream. I admired that Bethany never panicked or lost hope. She knew that god would be there to get her through the tragic accident she was in and that there was a reason he picked her for this to happen to.

This is a link to an article about an Australian surfer who to was attacked by a shark and nearly bled to death. But unlike bethany he did not have the help she did and had to paddle his self to shore. This story really relates to the one of Bethany Hamilton.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Soul Surfer Reaction 2

     Bethany Hamilton's competitive attitude originates from one thing, her two brothers, Timmy and Noah. They have made her try many different things that she would have never done without them. They even made her start to surf at the dangerous, Pauakeaka. Her family really helps her to strive to reach her goal to be a top women surfer. They have edited her videos, rooted her on, and promoted her to everyone.
      Bethany began to enter surf competitions in grade school. Makaha is the first surf competition she won, this is where her surfing career really began to take off. To Bethany winning was a second priority to enjoying the surf and the companionship of the other surfers. If she made a mistake and lose her surf she would just shake it off and realize there is always another opportunity. Bethany always has a routine before she surfs. She prays, she prays for the safety of everyone and wisdom in her wave selection and ability to be at the right place at the right time. 
      More women have entered the surfing world. Surfers can now be taken serious as athletes. Women surfers now have their own magazines. Surfing is a relatively safe sport mostly the only injuries are bumps and bruises from your board and reef burns front he water. The only other dangerous part about it is being sucked under water for a while which makes it hard to catch your breath for a while. Bethany, however, does not let any of this bother her she would take any of this and more, as long as she can surf. 
     Bethany lives a pretty normal life. She has most of the same interest as a 14-year old girl.She plays practical jokes, goes to church, watches movies, and hates spiders and snakes. Living on a small island can be a little different. There is only one road to get around and you mostly know everyone, and there is not a lot of things to do on the main land. Bethany, however, loves Hawaii. She loves the heat, always having something to do and the bananas and papayas on the island. She is also home schooled so she can have more time to live her dream as a surfer. This is common for most of her friends are also home schooled. They all stay busy still with their surfing and schooling. Her accident in some ways also makes her different for she needs help with certain things. Mostly though she is just like you and me. 
     These two chapters, three and you, that I read I can relate to. I can relate to this because i also have a really supporting family like Bethany does. My family is always there to cheer me on at everything that i do. I also have an older brother who always made me try new things at a young age even if they were a little intimidating. I am enjoying the book so far, but i am hoping that soon they will get to the events of the attacks. I can't wait to hear how she felt about her situation and what she did to cope with it.
^ This is a website to a women surfing magazine online. I provided this because in the selection I read today they said that Women's surfing was becoming popular. They also said that they were starting to have their own magazines and becoming known as athletes. This Websites shows the women surfing magazines like Bethany had mentioned.